Journeys in Yoga offers group yoga classes in Tallahassee, Florida as well as private/specialty classes at your location locally and in the surrounding areas.


Haven’t visited our studio before? Your first class is only $5! We hope you’ll visit us and give us a try. This deal is good for your first visit only.



Not ready to commit to a package or maybe just passing through town and need some yoga? Our single classes are $12 per class! 



Want to save a little money? Consider purchasing one of our packages: 5 classes for $50, 10 for $80 and 20 for $140- all good for 6 months after purchase.


Our Vibe:

Come as you are!

We have a very laid back and playful approach to the physical practice of Yoga. We believe that the poses are really just a tool to explore the body, and how the poses feel is far more important than how they look. We laugh a lot, fall in and out of poses, and let go of the need for control or perfection.


A healing space for transformation

Transformation is the uncovering of what is already there. We believe that everyone comes to us already carrying the knowledge they need to heal, learn and grow in all the realms: physically, emotionally and spiritually. Each person’s path and process will look different but our job as yoga teachers is to create and hold a safe space for that intuition to be uncovered, to blossom and for the healing to begin.
Here is how we actualize that space:

1. We create a sense of community through relationship: learning names, making interactions personal, & keeping the space warm and friendly.
2. We offer diverse class styles- no single approach is best- all yoga is amazing.
3. We provide a consistent, stable offering of classes and teachers.
4. We employ positive, upbeat, educated teachers.
5. We encourage collaboration between teachers, the owner, & students to create a positive experience.
6. We believe in encouragement over completion or competition- “make the shape” is a phrase you will hear a lot.
7. We support students using pose alternatives and modifications that best serve their bodies.
8. We champion students in growing and learning in all the realms- physically, emotionally and spiritually.
9. We provide a clean, safe studio space.
10. We encourage teachers to remain students and maintain their personal yoga practice at the studio.
11. We assist new teachers in gaining teaching experience.
12. We make available new learning opportunities for students and teachers.
13. We believe in and stand up for equality for all people.
14. We embrace diversity.
15. We support teachers helping other teachers- we lift each other up as yoga teachers bonded by a common cause.
16. We reward teachers financially for growth of their class and hence the studio.
17. We give back to and participate in the community that supports and sustains us.
18. We conduct business in a socially and environmentally conscious manner.

Our Story:

The idea of Journeys in Yoga was born in 2006 by Suzanne Harrell in an effort to create a space where her following ideas could be not only supported but embraced:

  • I am a big believer in the idea that the physical practice of yoga is the gateway to increased peace and happiness in each of our lives, which leads to increased peace and happiness in the world. There are many gateways! This is just one, and one that has resonated with me for more than 25 years. 
  • When we practice asana (poses) we become more mindful of our bodies and what they need to be strong and healthy off the mat. This awareness influences our decisions- from what we eat or drink to how much we rest to who we hang out with. 
  • When we practice asana, we become more aware of how our minds work- the chatter, the distractions, the stories we tell ourselves. We see this on our mat- and soon we see it off our mat and start making decisions and choices that support a more peaceful internal and external existence.
  • As we care for and heal ourselves we put that energy back in the world. As we care for and heal ourselves, we can agents of care and healing in the world.

The idea of Journeys in Yoga came to fruition in 2007 when Journeys opened its doors to our first students. Since that time we have grown and changed and learned…… and then grown and changed and learned some more…..and then again….!

The biggest change came In August of 2022 when Michelle Lee-Armet bought the studio after many years of practicing with, learning from and teaching at Journeys.  Suzanne continues to teach at the studio and her ideas are still carried and fostered throughout the studio – both by teachers and students alike. We know that change is not always easy or comfortable.  However, we are proud of our evolution- we are proud that we are brave enough TO evolve!

What was always there, through it all, was the practice that we share – guiding us, bolstering us, and giving us the strength we need to keep moving forward.

Journeys In Yoga will continue to hold space for us to do this, through the joy and the pain of growth, we will do it together.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs Updated September 2023 and will be updated as needed.

What classes do you offer?
We are currently offering a combination of online Zoom classes and classes in the studio with limited class size so pre-registration is required in all classes. Some of the in-studio classes will be Zoomed at the same time (we call these hybrid classes). To see the schedule click HERE.
We continue to offer a variety of class styles, such as:

  • Open Flow 1 and 2 – Vinyasa flow classes that link movement and breath, some yoga experience is helpful, with level 2 being more challenging than level 1.
  • Core Flow – An intense practice of movement designed to strengthen the core and the upper body, yoga experience very helpful.
  • Intro and Morning Flow – A slower versions of open flow, a nice place to get started or to take a more chill class, great for all levels (beginner friendly) .
  • Fire Flow – A creative sequence that combines Hot, Flow and Ashtanga yoga styles to offer a unique and powerful practice.  Room is heated.
  • Yin – Long holds and deep tissues stretching, great for all levels (beginner friendly).
  • Yin and Yang – This class is a hybrid of yang (active yoga) with yin (passive yoga).  Part Flow Yoga to get you sweating and moving and part Yin yoga to create flexibility, mindfulness and softness. This class is suitable for all levels.
  • Hot 90 and Hot 60 – Inspired by the Hot 26/2 series but with our own twist, a set series of poses done in a heated room. Great for all levels (beginner friendly) if you like it hot!  Hot 90 is 90 minutes and Hot 60 is 60 minutes.
  • Ashtanga Lite – A short version of the Ashtanga primary series, yoga experience very helpful.
Do I need to preregister for classes?
Yes. Pre-registration for ALL classes is REQUIRED. We use Mindbody Online and you can easily register for classes there. Click HERE.  If you walk-in and we have space, we will gladly accommodate you but we cannot guarantee space.
Will I be penalized if I book an in-person class and do not show up?
Unfortunately with the limited number of spots we have, you must unbook your registration at least 2 hours prior to the start of the class or you will be charged for the class.
How long are the classes?
We have a variety of class lengths, which can be viewed on the Mindbody through the browser or APP.  Some are 60, some are 75 and some are 90.
What time should I arrive to an in-studio class?
Arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of class time.
What classes are good for beginners?
Morning Flow, Intro, Yin, and Hot Lite are all good for beginners.
What should I bring to an in-studio class?
The basic gear that you need to bring are a mat, towel and water. If you like to use props such as blocks, straps or blankets, you should bring those as well.  We currently have blocks and straps for use if you do not have your own. There are mats available for public use but prefer that you bring your own when possible. If you are traveling and need a mat please contact the studio directly. We have mats in several price ranges for sale in the studio.  You can also get all of this gear easily online or at Marshalls, Target, Academy Sports etc.
What should I wear?
You should wear whatever you feel comfortable bending and stretching and moving in. If you are attending a heated class, dress accordingly- nothing too heavy. There is no dress code and you do not need expensive yoga clothes to participate! We practice barefoot so no special shoes are required. You may wear socks but they are much harder to balance in.
I have never done yoga before and I am nervous! Is there anything I should know going in?
First of all, while it is normal to be nervous, try not to worry! At Journeys we are very laid back and playful in our approach to yoga. We don’t believe in competition- just enjoying the process. Know that it is a safe place to explore movement and getting to know your own body- no matter what the poses look like. Everyone, students and teachers alike, do the best they can with the practice each time they are on their mat. It is understood that modifications of poses, as well as resting whenever you need to, are accepted and encouraged. A few things to know:

  • don’t eat too much before class,
  • try to hydrate throughout the day especially if you are doing a hot class,
  • don’t wear shoes on the studio floors (anywhere there is cork),
  • leave your shoes in the cubbies in the lobby or outside,
  • try to DETACH from your cell phone – leave it in the cubbies,
  • do not to step on each other’s mats, mats are personal space,
  • say hello to your fellow yogis,
  • ask the teacher questions,
  • take care of your body – physically and mentally,
  • chill out and have fun!
What are your class prices?
We have several options to make it easier for you based on how much you want to attend. The passes are good for any class at the studio and expire after 6 months.

  • First time attending- $5,
  • One class at a time- $12,
  • 5 class pass- $50,
  • 10 class pass- $80
  • 20 class pass- $140
How can I pay?
You can pay through our online store hosted on MINDBODY online. Click HERE! You can buy classes and gift cards.
What are your hours?
The studio is only open when in person (not Virtual) classes are in session (click HERE for the schedule).  Staff is usually there 30 minutes before the start of classes until about 30 minutes after classes end.  However, some classes are not staffed, so if the door is locked, please come back after class is over.   If you need something from the yoga studio outside of class times please call to set up an appointment- 850-591-9267.
Do you have showers/locker rooms?
We do not have showers or a locker room. We have gender neutral bathrooms you can change in. We ask that you please limit the amount of personal belongings that you bring into the yoga studio.
Can I get an extension on my expired pass?
Your pass can be extended at the discretion of the owner for 2 months for a fee of $10.
Can I leave my child (anyone under the age of 18) in the lobby while I take a yoga class?
We are very sorry but no one under the age of 18 may be left unattended in the lobby of the yoga studio while you take a class, even if you can see them through the door. We do not want anything to happen to your child while unattended in the lobby and allowing this to occur also places the studio at great risk. Practicing yoga is for YOU, it is your time. Come when you have child care and you can relax and focus on your practice.
Do you offer kids yoga classes/can my child attend an adult class?
We do not currently offer kids yoga classes. Kids yoga may be offered at other studios in Tallahassee. Any child over the age of 12 may try an adult class with their parent if they are able to make it through an hour class. They do not have to do all the poses but they DO need to be able to remain quietly on their mat. Any child under the age of 12 needs to get special permission from the owner to attend (call 850-591-9267). Remember that you know your child. Some kids can make it easily through the class while others have trouble focusing for that amount of time. Make sure it is something your child really wants to do before taking them to an adult class!!
Do you sell any retail/props?

Yes, we have mats, mat towels, blankets, eye pillows, mat straps, etc. from amazing companies such as Manduka, Jade, BYoga (and others).  Please check them out in the studio lobby.  Also, feel free to check with the owner about current retail or special orders: 850-591-9267

Can I purchase a gift certificate?
Yes! Please use our Online store by clicking HERE. In the online store there are subheadings at the top right, one of which is gift cards. Click this option and follow the prompts!
Do you offer student/state/federal/senior/first responder/teacher discounts?
We are not offering any of these types of discounts at this time. Our prices are kept low for all people who attend the yoga studio.
Does my insurance company reimburse for yoga?
You need to check with your insurance company. CHP offers wellness reimbursement through their website.


Our Values:

Authenticity: Trust that who you are is enough and always will be
Community: Allow yourself to be supported, to be a part of, and to participate
Acceptance: Start where you are, with what you have and grow from there


We offer several styles of movement based yoga, as we believe there are many ways to heal the body through movement. Some of the things we offer are:

  • Morning flow and Intro Flow yoga: slowed down versions of flow yoga, great for beginners or anyone wanting a more chill flow practice
  • Flow yoga (sometimes called Vinyasa Yoga or Power Yoga at other studios):  flow from pose to pose with the breath, creative and different each time, level 1 more moderately paced, level 2 a bit more intense.
  • Fire Flow is in a heated room
  • Hot yoga: a more static style done in a very hot room, full series as well as short series
  • Ashtanga yoga: the primary series, both full series as well as short series
  • Yin yoga: deep tissue stretching, long passive holds
  • Yin & Yang:  a combination of Flow and Yin
  • Core yoga: designed to strengthen the core and upper body
  • Connected Warriors:  a free weekly class for Veterans, First Responders, and their family members 

We have a very laid back approach to yoga practice and enjoy lots of laughter and fun in our classes. All of our teachers are available for private classes at your location or ours, prices vary per teacher and location so contact the teacher directly for information.

Follow Us
Opening Hours

Please See Our Class Schedule


(850) 591-9267


111 South Magnolia Dr, Suite 33
Tallahassee, FL 32301


10 + 7 =

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